Audrey Gong Phone : 86-21-39587061 Fax : 86-21-59505190 Skype : audreygong Whatsapp : 18601738990 Email : info@shqualitywell.com Address : No.647 Taibo Road,Fangtai,Jiading District,Shanghai 201814 ,P.R.ChinaEurope
Elena Lena - Tieps Ltd Unit 9, Feltimores Park, Chalk Lane Harlow, Essex CM17 0PF,UK E-mail: info@tieps.com, elena.lena.it@gmail.com elena@shqualitywell.com Skype: elena.lena.italy1 Mobile: 0039 328 8366212Pakistan, Asia
Samtek International House 1164, Street 26, Sector I-10/4 Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: +92-51-4440497 Fax: +92-51-4102025 E-mail: ashfaq.ahmed@samtekintl.com samtek@samtekintl.comCanada
Jeff Parke Agent for :Canada the border US States of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Upper Michigan Address:3391 Bagatelle Lane Mundelein, Illinois 60060 Phone:847-302-1741 E-mail: jeffparke@parkesensors.systems jeffparke@hotmail.com jparke@shqualitywell.comNigeria,Africa
Chukwudike Agiriga Phone:+234-806-3477578 E-mail: chukz4@yahoo.com chucks.pearl@shqualitywell.comNorway/Sweden/Finland
Mr. Trond Herdlevaer Address:Postbox 19-5113 ternes ,Norway Mobile Phone:0047 95934366 E-mail: stonecape-trading@outlook.com